FREE instruction. $10 materials fee. Registration required.
Dates: Friday evenings, Fri., Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2020 – 7 PM-9 PM
Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr. Irving TX 75061
Irving Art Association Community Fine Art School Classes
Instructor Name: Rani Verma
Email: [email protected]
Supply Fee $10: pay at first class
REGISTER (age: 17+ only)
As an art medium, colored pencil is similar to watercolor: you work from light to dark, reserving bare paper for the highlights; once an area is dark, it’s impossible to make it fully light again. In these classes, we will learn some basic stroke techniques, effects, and blending methods while working on some projects.
Supplies: Basic supplies provided: Graphite pencils for Drawing -2H and Paper- Strathmore Bristol (Vellum)
Please bring these additional necessary supplies:
Colored Pencils Prismacolor (48) wax Based or watercolor
Pencil Sharpener (mechanical)
Drafting Brush
Kneaded Eraser or Plastic Eraser
Colorless Blender
Drawing Board