***Deadline Extended***
The Exhibition Advisory Panel (EAP) of the Fort Worth Community Arts Center is seeking exhibition proposals from artists and curators for all art forms for our 2021 season with the mission to exhibit contemporary art. We are looking for artist submissions for solo shows and curated proposals for group exhibitions of professional level, innovative art. The Solo and Curatorial Call is one of the Arts Center’s best opportunities for artists. Many of our most successful shows through out the year were submitted through SoCur, including this month’s Our Faces, Our Voices. Curators Raymond Wyatt said, “SoCur gave us an opportunity to create a show that we would have not be able to do in a for-profit gallery.” The new deadline for this opportunity is Saturday, November 1, 2020.
Arts Council of Fort Worth | 1300 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107 fwcac.org