The evening session consists of one long pose ideal for painting or a more completed drawing for two consecutive weeks. The first two weeks of the month are portrait sessions and the last two weeks are figure-drawing.
Upon arrival please pay the facilitator $15 for CAC members or $20 cash only for the 3-hour uninstructed session.
• What to bring
Each artist should bring their own art supplies, canvas, drawing pads or paper, brushes, etc. CAC provides easels, chairs, small tables and drawing boards.
• Important to know
CAC schedules a variety of live models for these labs who will posing nude so we expect protocol to be followed (no photography allowed).

Labs are held every Friday night & Sunday morning except for holidays – Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years. For more information, please contact CAC at [email protected] or 214/320-1275. Meetup group: https://www.meetup.com/Figure-Drawing-Painting-at-CAC/