Pardieu Gallery is proud to present “Resurrection: Inhabiting Easter” an Exhibit by Texas Artist Gwen Meharg April 13th – May 25th.
Gwen Meharg uses abstraction to conceptually portray hope: “Since hope is an idea I see no end to the possibilities. Abstraction makes room for the viewer to interject their experiences into the work.”
For Meharg it is not the technique which defines her art but rather the heart: “I am not painting a technique, I am painting a story of hope. Maybe it is akin to home baked bread and a loaf wrapped in plastic from the grocery store shelf. Somehow love gets kneaded into the home made bread and it just tastes better.”
Gwen Mehargs latest work explores the resurrection: “The resurrection is a historical event and a daily choice. There is significance beyond Easter morning. The days, the joys and sorrows, compress with age. We each carry a life time of days, a lifetime of marks. Each mark on the painting is unique and each day is part of a greater whole. My niece lived 9,141 days. My father 32,667. I do not know how many marks my painting carries, I just made marks until it was complete. No one knows the quantity of their marks until they reach the end.
Each mark is a prayer. Each mark is a testament of forgiveness. Each mark proffers new mercies. Each mark explores the power of resurrection to weave individual days into a beautiful whole. My paintings are filled with stubborn hope. The hope in a resurrection that was and is and is to come.
God’s mercies are new every morning, this is a daily practice of trust, surrender and expectation. A path toward inhabiting the resurrection story in the twenty-first century.”
Pardieu Gallery 550 S Watters Rd Ste 277, Allen, TX 75013
Pardieu Gallery is conveniently located 1/2 block north of the popular shopping destination of Watters Creek at Montgomery Farm in Allen.
Text “myart” to 31996 or visit http://www.pardieugallery.com to schedule a viewing.
Gwen Meharg will have an artist talk May 18th from 2 – 3pm reservation required.